- Rome (Italy)
- Rome (Italy)
Hotels:- Acropoli Hotel Rome (Termini Station Area)
- Albani Hotel Rome (City Centre: Villa Borghese)
- Aldobrandeschi Hotel Rome (City: Aurelio)
- Aldrovandi Palace Hotel Rome (City Centre: Villa Borghese)
- Aleph Boscolo Hotel Rome (City Centre: Spanish Steps)
- Alessandrino Hotel Rome (City Centre: Vatican)
- Alius Hotel Rome (Termini Station Area)
- All Comfort Residenza Hotel Rome (City Centre: Tiburtina Station)
- All Time Relais & Sport Rome (City: Eur)
- Amalia Hotel Rome (City Centre: Vatican)
- Ambasciatori Palace Hotel Rome (City Centre: Spanish Steps)
- Anagnina Hotel Rome (Airport: Ciampino)
- Anfiteatro Flavio Residence Rome (City Centre: Colosseum)
- Anglo Americano Hotel Rome (City Centre: Spanish Steps)
- Apart Residence Sacconi Hotel Rome (City: Residential)
- Aphrodite Hotel Rome (Termini Station Area)
- Appia Park Hotel Rome (Airport: Ciampino)
- Ara Pacis Hotel Rome (City Centre: Spanish Steps)
- Arcadia Hotel Rome (Airport: Ciampino)
- Archimede Hotel Rome (Termini Station Area)
- Aris Garden Hotel Rome (City: Eur)
- Ars Hotel Rome (City: Residential)
- Art Deco Hotel Rome (Termini Station Area)
- Art Hotel Spanish Steps Rome (City Centre: Spanish Steps)
- Artemide Hotel Rome (Termini Station Area)
- Astoria Garden Hotel Rome (Termini Station Area)
- Astrid Hotel Rome (City Centre: Olympic Stadium)
- Atahotel Villa Pamphili Rome (City: Aurelio)
- Ateneo Palace Hotel Rome (Termini Station Area)
- Athena Hotel Rome (City Centre: Tiburtina Station)
- Atlante Star Hotel Rome (City Centre: Vatican)
- Atlantico Hotel Rome (Termini Station Area)
- Augustea Hotel Rome (Termini Station Area)
- Aureliano Hotel Rome (City: Aurelio)
- Aurelius Hotel Rome (City: Aurelio)
- Aurora Garden Hotel Rome (City: Residential)
- Bailey S Hotel Rome (City Centre: Spanish Steps)
- Baltic Hotel Rome (Termini Station Area)
- Barberini Hotel Rome (City Centre: Spanish Steps)
- Barocco Hotel Rome (City Centre: Spanish Steps)
- Beethoven Hotel Rome (City: Aurelio)
- Bernini Bristol Hotel Rome (City Centre: Spanish Steps)
- Best Western President Hotel Rome (City Centre: Spanish Steps)
- Best Western Universo Hotel Rome (Termini Station Area)
- Best Western Villafranca Hotel Rome (Termini Station Area)
- Bianca Hotel Rome (Termini Station Area)
- Black Hotel Rome (City: Aurelio)
- Bled Hotel Rome (Termini Station Area)
- Borromini Boscolo Hotel Rome (City Centre: Parioli)
- Brasile Hotel Rome (Termini Station Area)
- Britannia Hotel Rome (Termini Station Area)
- Buonarroti Home Bed and Breakfast Rome (Termini Station Area)
- Cambridge Hotel Rome (Termini Station Area)
- Cancelli Rossi Hotel Rome (Airport: Leonardo Da Vinci Fiumicino)
- Capitol Hotel Rome (Termini Station Area)
- Capo D Africa Hotel Rome (City Centre: Colosseum)
- Caprice Hotel Rome (City Centre: Spanish Steps)
- Caravel Hotel Rome (City: Eur)
- Castelfidardo Hotel Rome (Termini Station Area)
- Center Hotel Rome (Termini Station Area)
- Center One Hotel Rome (Termini Station Area)
- Champagne Palace Hotel Rome (City Centre: Colosseum)
- Cicerone Hotel Rome (City Centre: Vatican)
- Cilicia Hotel Rome (City Centre: Colosseum)
- Cinquantatre Hotel Rome (City Centre: Spanish Steps)
- City Guest House Hotel Rome (City: Residential)
- Claridge Hotel Rome (City Centre: Parioli)
- Club Isola Sacra Hotel Rome (Airport: Leonardo Da Vinci Fiumicino)
- Colonna Palace Hotel Rome (City Centre: Spanish Steps)
- Columbus Hotel Rome (City Centre: Vatican)
- Commodore Hotel Rome (Termini Station Area)
- Continentale Hotel Rome (Termini Station Area)
- Corona Hotel Rome (City Centre: Colosseum)
- Corot Hotel Rome (Termini Station Area)
- D'Inghilterra Hotel Rome (City Centre: Spanish Steps)
- Daniela Hotel Rome (Termini Station Area)
- Dany Hotel Ciampino (Airport: Ciampino)
- Degli Aranci Hotel Rome (City Centre: Parioli)
- Dei Consoli Hotel Rome (City Centre: Vatican)
- Dei Mellini Hotel Rome (City Centre: Olympic Stadium)
- Del Corso Hotel Rome (City Centre: Spanish Steps)
- Del Vittorie Hotel Rome (City Centre: Olympic Stadium)
- Delle Nazioni Hotel Rome (City Centre: Trevi Fountain)
- Delle Province Hotel Rome (City Centre: Tiburtina Station)
- Des Artistes Hotel Rome (Termini Station Area)
- Deste Hotel Rome (Termini Station Area)
- Diana Hotel Rome (Termini Station Area)
- Diocleziano Hotel Rome (Termini Station Area)
- Diplomatic Hotel Rome (City Centre: Vatican)
- Domina Roma Cassia Hotel Rome (City: Residential)
- Domus Aventina Hotel Rome (City Centre: Colosseum)
- Domus Inn Hotel Rome (City Centre: Via Veneto)
- Domus Sessoriana Hotel Rome (City Centre: Colosseum)
- Donatello Hotel Rome (Termini Station Area)
- Donna Laura Palace Hotel Rome (City Centre: Olympic Stadium)
- Duke Hotel Rome (City Centre: Villa Borghese)
- Eden Hotel Rome (City Centre: Via Veneto)
- Edera Hotel Rome (City Centre: Colosseum)
- Eliseo Hotel Rome (City Centre: Spanish Steps)
- Embassy Hotel Rome (Termini Station Area)
- Empire Palace Hotel Rome (City Centre: Spanish Steps)
- Espana Hotel Rome (Termini Station Area)
- Eur Suite Hotel Rome (City: Eur)
- Eurogarden Hotel Rome (City: Residential)
- Eurostars Domus Aurea Hotel Rome (Termini Station Area)
- Eurostars International Palace Rome (City Centre: Spanish Steps)
- Eurostars Roma Congress Hotel & Convention Center Rome (City: Residential)
- Everest Hotel Rome (Termini Station Area)
- Executive Hotel Rome (City Centre: Spanish Steps)
- Exedra Boscolo Hotel Rome (Termini Station Area)
- Farnese Hotel Rome (City Centre: Vatican)
- Farnesina Hotel Rome (City Centre: Olympic Stadium)
- Fiamma Hotel Rome (Termini Station Area)
- Fiorini Hotel Rome (Termini Station Area)
- Flaminius Hotel Rome (City: Residential)
- Floridia Hotel Rome (Termini Station Area)
- Flower Garden Hotel Rome (Termini Station Area)
- Fori Imperiali Cavalieri Hotel Rome (City Centre: Colosseum)
- Forte Hotel Rome (City Centre: Spanish Steps)
- Fortyseven Hotel Rome (City Centre: Colosseum)
- Forum Hotel Rome (City Centre: Colosseum)
- Four Points Sheraton West Hotel Rome (City: Residential)
- Gabriella Hotel Rome (Termini Station Area)
- Galeno Hotel Rome (Termini Station Area)
- Galileo Hotel Rome (Termini Station Area)
- Gallia Hotel Rome (Termini Station Area)
- Gambrinus Hotel Rome (City Centre: Via Veneto)
- Genio Hotel Rome (City Centre: Navona Square)
- Genova Hotel Rome (Termini Station Area)
- Giada Hotel Rome (Termini Station Area)
- Giglio Dell Opera Hotel Rome (Termini Station Area)
- Gioberti Hotel Rome (Termini Station Area)
- Giolli Hotel Rome (Termini Station Area)
- Giorgi Hotel Rome (Termini Station Area)
- Giotto Flavia Hotel Rome (City Centre: Via Veneto)
- Giotto Hotel Rome (City: Aurelio)
- Golden Tulip Ambra Palace Hotel Rome (Termini Station Area)
- Golden Tulip Bellambriana Hotel Rome (City Centre: Vatican)
- Grand De La Minerva Hotel Rome (City Centre: Navona Square)
- Grand Hermitage Hotel Rome (City Centre: Parioli)
- Grand Hotel Beverly Hills Rome (City Centre: Via Veneto)
- Grand Hotel del Gianicolo Rome (City Centre: Trastevere)
- Grand Hotel Palace Boscolo Rome (City Centre: Spanish Steps)
- Grand Hotel Palazzo Carpegna Rome (Domus Mariae) (City: Aurelio)
- Grand Hotel Plaza Rome (City Centre: Spanish Steps)
- Grand Hotel Ritz Rome (City Centre: Parioli)
- Grand Tiberio Hotel Rome (City Centre: Vatican)
- Grand Villa Fiorio Hotel Grottaferrata (Airport: Ciampino)
- Green House Hotel Rome (City Centre: Villa Borghese)
- H 2000 Hotel Rome (City Centre: Via Veneto)
- Hiberia Hotel Rome (City Centre: Trevi Fountain)
- Homs Hotel Rome (City Centre: Spanish Steps)
- Hosianum Palace Rome (City Centre: Colosseum)
- Hotel Condotti Rome (City Centre: Spanish Steps)
- Hotel Dei Borgognoni Rome (City Centre: Spanish Steps)
- Hotel delle Muse Rome (City Centre: Parioli)
- Hotel Giulio Cesare Rome (City Centre: Vatican)
- Hotel King Rome (City Centre: Spanish Steps)
- Hotel Selene Rome (Termini Station Area)
- Ibis Hotel Tor Vergata Rome (Airport: Ciampino)
- Il Piccolo di Piazza di Spagna Hotel Rome (City Centre: Spanish Steps)
- Imperiale Hotel Rome (City Centre: Spanish Steps)
- Impero Hotel Rome (Termini Station Area)
- ISA Hotel Rome (City Centre: Vatican)
- Jolly Leonardo Da Vinci Hotel Rome (City Centre: Vatican)
- Jolly Vittorio Veneto Hotel Rome (City Centre: Via Veneto)
- Jonico Hotel Rome (Airport: Ciampino)
- Kennedy Hotel Rome (Termini Station Area)
- La Griffe Hotel Rome (Termini Station Area)
- Lazio Hotel Rome (Termini Station Area)
- Lazzari Hotel Rome (Termini Station Area)
- Le Petit Hotel Rome (Termini Station Area)
- Les Chambres d'Or Rome (City Centre: Vatican)
- Lirico Hotel Rome (Termini Station Area)
- Locanda del Fante Hotel Rome (City Centre: Via Veneto)
- Lord Byron Hotel Rome (City Centre: Parioli)
- Luce Hotel Rome (Termini Station Area)
- Luciani Hotel Rome (Termini Station Area)
- Lux Hotel Rome (Termini Station Area)
- Mach 2 Hotel Rome (Airport: Leonardo Da Vinci Fiumicino)
- Majestic Hotel Rome (City Centre: Spanish Steps)
- Marc Aurelio Hotel Rome (City Centre: Vatican)
- Marcella Royal Hotel Rome (City Centre: Via Veneto)
- Mariano Hotel Rome (City Centre: Colosseum)
- Marriott Grand Hotel Flora Rome (City Centre: Via Veneto)
- Mascagni Hotel Rome (Termini Station Area)
- Massimo D'Azeglio Hotel Rome (Termini Station Area)
- Max Hotel Rome (Termini Station Area)
- Mecenate Palace Hotel Rome (City Centre: Colosseum)
- Mediterraneo Hotel Rome (Termini Station Area)
- Meeting Hotel Ciampino (Airport: Ciampino)
- Melia Roma Aurelia Antica Hotel Rome (City: Aurelio)
- Memphis Hotel Rome (City Centre: Spanish Steps)
- Milo Hotel Rome (Termini Station Area)
- Monaco Hotel Rome (City Centre: Via Veneto)
- Montecarlo Hotel Rome (Termini Station Area)
- Moscatello Hotel Rome (Termini Station Area)
- Nazional Rooms Hotel Rome (Termini Station Area)
- Nizza Hotel Rome (Termini Station Area)
- Nord Nuova Hotel Rome (Termini Station Area)
- Noto Hotel Rome (Termini Station Area)
- Notti a Roma Bed & Breakfast Rome (Termini Station Area)
- Nova Domus Hotel Rome (City Centre: Vatican)
- Novecento Hotel Rome (Termini Station Area)
- Osimar Hotel Rome (City Centre: Tiburtina Station)
- Pace Helvezia Hotel Rome (City Centre: Trevi Fountain)
- Paisiello Parioli Hotel Rome (City Centre: Parioli)
- Palacavicchi Hotel Ciampino (Airport: Ciampino)
- Palazzo Cardinal Cesi Hotel Rome (City Centre: Vatican)
- Palladium Palace Hotel Rome (Termini Station Area)
- Paolo VI Residence Rome (City Centre: Vatican)
- Parco Dei Principi Rome (City Centre: Spanish Steps)
- Parco Tirreno Suite Hotel Rome (City: Aurelio)
- Park Hotel Dei Massimi Rome (City Centre: Vatican)
- Parker Hotel Rome (Termini Station Area)
- Patria Hotel Rome (Termini Station Area)
- Pavia Hotel Rome (Termini Station Area)
- Petra & Residence Hotel Rome (Airport: Ciampino)
- Piemonte Hotel Rome (Termini Station Area)
- Pineta Palace Rome (City: Residential)
- Pisana Palace Hotel Rome (City: Aurelio)
- Planet Hotel Rome (Termini Station Area)
- Polo Hotel Rome (City Centre: Parioli)
- Porta Maggiore Hotel Rome (Termini Station Area)
- Princess Hotel Rome (City: Aurelio)
- Principe Di Piemonte Hotel Rome (Termini Station Area)
- Principessa Tea Hotel Rome (City Centre: Via Veneto)
- Priscilla Hotel Rome (City Centre: Via Veneto)
- Pyramid Hotel Rome (City Centre: Colosseum)
- Quattro Fontane Hotel Rome (City Centre: Spanish Steps)
- Quirinale Hotel Rome (Termini Station Area)
- Quisisana Hotel Rome (Termini Station Area)
- Raganelli Hotel Rome (City: Aurelio)
- Ranieri Hotel Rome (City Centre: Via Veneto)
- Regent Hotel Rome (City Centre: Parioli)
- Regina Baglioni Hotel Rome (City Centre: Via Veneto)
- Relais Piazza di Spagna Hotel Rome (City Centre: Spanish Steps)
- Relais Vaticano Hotel Rome (City Centre: Vatican)
- Repubblica Hotel Rome (Termini Station Area)
- Residence Aurelia Antica Rome (City: Aurelio)
- Residenza A The Boutique Art Hotel (City Centre: Spanish Steps)
- Residenza Antica Hotel Rome (City Centre: Trevi Fountain)
- Residenza Ave Hotel Rome (Termini Station Area)
- Residenza Canova Tadolini Hotel Rome (City Centre: Spanish Steps)
- Residenza Vaticana Rome (City Centre: Vatican)
- Residenza Villa Maria Hotel Rome (City: Residential)
- Rex Hotel Rome (Termini Station Area)
- Rimini Hotel Rome (Termini Station Area)
- Ripa Hotel Rome (City Centre: Trastevere)
- River Palace Hotel Rome (City Centre: Spanish Steps)
- Robinson Hotel Rome (Termini Station Area)
- Roma Park Hotel Rome (City Centre: San Giovanni)
- Romulus Hotel Rome (City: Residential)
- Royal Santina Hotel Rome (Termini Station Area)
- Rubino Hotel Rome (Termini Station Area)
- Saint Paul Hotel Rome (City Centre: San Paolo)
- Sallustio Hotel Rome (City Centre: Via Veneto)
- San Giusto Hotel Rome (City Centre: Parioli)
- San Marco Hotel Rome (Termini Station Area)
- San Remo Hotel Rome (Termini Station Area)
- Santa Prassede Hotel Rome (Termini Station Area)
- Savoy Hotel Rome (City Centre: Spanish Steps)
- Scheppers Hotel Rome (City: Aurelio)
- Scott House Hotel Rome (Termini Station Area)
- Seiler Hotel Rome (Termini Station Area)
- Select Hotel Rome (Termini Station Area)
- Serena Hotel Rome (Termini Station Area)
- Sheraton Golf Hotel & Resort Rome (Airport: Leonardo Da Vinci Fiumicino)
- Sheraton Hotel Rome (City: Eur)
- Silva Hotel Rome (Termini Station Area)
- Siracusa Hotel Rome (Termini Station Area)
- Sistina Hotel Rome (City Centre: Spanish Steps)
- Siviglia Hotel Rome (Termini Station Area)
- Solis Hotel Rome (City Centre: Colosseum)
- Splendide Royal Hotel Rome (City Centre: Spanish Steps)
- St Regis Grand Hotel Rome (City Centre: Spanish Steps)
- Starhotel Michelangelo Rome (City Centre: Vatican)
- Sunrise Hotel Rome (City: Residential)
- Sunshine House Bed & Breakfast Rome (Termini Station Area)
- Teatro Pace 33 Hotel Rome (City Centre: Navona Square)
- Tempio Di Pallade Hotel Rome (Termini Station Area)
- Terminal Hotel Rome (Termini Station Area)
- Torino Hotel Rome (Termini Station Area)
- Torre Rossa Park Hotel Rome (City Centre: Vatican)
- Trevi Hotel Rome (City Centre: Trevi Fountain)
- Turner Hotel Rome (City Centre: Villa Borghese)
- Valadier Hotel Rome (City Centre: Spanish Steps)
- Valle Hotel Rome (City Centre: Colosseum)
- Victoria Hotel Rome (City Centre: Via Veneto)
- Villa del Parco Hotel Rome (Termini Station Area)
- Villa Florence Hotel Rome (Termini Station Area)
- Villa Glori Hotel Rome (City Centre: Parioli)
- Villa Morgagni Hotel Rome (Termini Station Area)
- Villa Patrizi Hotel Rome (Termini Station Area)
- Villa Porpora Hotel Rome (City Centre: Parioli)
- Villa Rosa Hotel Rome (City Centre: Trastevere)
- Villa San Lorenzo Maria Hotel Rome (Termini Station Area)
- Villa San Pio Hotel Rome (City Centre: Colosseum)
- Villa Torlonia Hotel Rome (City: Residential)
- Viminale Hotel Rome (Termini Station Area)
- Visconti Palace Hotel Rome (City Centre: Vatican)
- Waldorf Hotel Rome (City Centre: Vatican)
- Welcome Residences Hotel Rome (Termini Station Area)
- Westin Excelsior Hotel Rome (City Centre: Spanish Steps)
- Windrose Hotel Rome (Termini Station Area)
- Zara Hotel Rome (City Centre: Spanish Steps)
- Zone Hotel Rome (City: Aurelio)
- Acropoli Hotel Rome (Termini Station Area)
International hotels. — Academic. 2010.