- Crailsheim (Germany)
- Crailsheim (Germany)
Hotels:- Residenz Hotel Schnelldorf (Schnelldorf)
- Residenz Hotel Schnelldorf (Schnelldorf)
International hotels. — Academic. 2010.
International hotels. — Academic. 2010.
Crailsheim — Crailsheim … Wikipédia en Français
Crailsheim — The Johanneskirche, built between 1398 and 1440, is one of the oldest buildings in Crailsheim … Wikipedia
Area codes in Germany — see also Telephone numbering in Germany for further codes including service numbers, cell phones etc. Area codes in Germany (German Vorwahl ) have two to five digits, not counting the leading zero. The leading zero must be dialed when calling… … Wikipedia
TSV Crailsheim — Infobox club sportif TSV Crailsheim Pas de logo ? Importez le logo de ce club. Généralités Nom complet Turn und Sportverein Crailshei … Wikipédia en Français
List of postal codes in Germany — FORCETOC Postal codes in Germany, Postleitzahl (plural Postleitzahlen, abbreviated to PLZ), consist of five digits, which indicate the wider area (first two digits), and the postal district (last three digits).The present system was introduced on … Wikipedia
Return of Forces to Germany — Return of Forces to Germany, kurz REFORGER (Rückkehr von Streitkräften nach Deutschland) war eine Großmanöverserie der NATO, die ein oder mehrmals im Jahr stattfand. Die Manöver fanden von 1969 bis kurz nach Ende des Kalten Kriegs 1993 statt.… … Deutsch Wikipedia
List of cities and towns in Germany — Complete list of 2,065 cities in Germany (as of July 1, 2011) Only municipalities with independent administration and that have the Stadtrecht (city rights) are included. For large cities, see: List of cities in Germany with more than 100,000… … Wikipedia
List of locomotive depots in Germany — This list of locomotive depots (Bahnbetriebswerke) in Germany includes all those within the borders of the Deutsches Reich in 1937, which were at sometime between 1920 and 1994 independent facilities. They are grouped by the divisions (… … Wikipedia
Residenz Hotel Schnelldorf (Crailsheim) — Residenz Hotel Schnelldorf country: Germany, city: Crailsheim (Schnelldorf) Residenz Hotel Schnelldorf Location Conveniently located just off the motorway to Rothenburg o.d.T. (Romatic Road) and within 2 minutes drive to Feuchtwangen s casino.… … International hotels
List of United States Army installations in Germany — Existing installations *Aartal Kaserne Herbonseelbach (closed in June 1992) *Anderson Barracks, Dexheim (closed in 2008) *Argonner Kaserne, Hanau (closing by 2009) *Artillery Kaserne, Garmisch Partenkirchen *Bamberg Local Training Area, Bamberg… … Wikipedia