Paysandu Hotel Rio de Janeiro (Rio de Janeiro)

Paysandu Hotel Rio de Janeiro (Rio de Janeiro)
Paysandu Hotel Rio de Janeiro

country: Brazil, city: Rio de Janeiro (Near Centre)

Paysandu Hotel Rio de Janeiro Paysandu Hotel Rio de Janeiro

Located in the South Zone of the city, Paysandu (Suite) Hotel Rio de Janeiro is a peaceful residential neighbourhood, next to the Rio's Government Palace. The hotel is at the Famous Rua Paissandu, in front of the Flamengo beach and the Flamengo Gardens.

The rooms are simply furnished and have air-conditioning, Cable TV, small refrigerators and safety box.

Guests can start their day with the delicious buffet breakfast being served at the hotel's breakfast room.

This property is located in a quiet residential area where guests have a memorable stay or vacation.

Hotel Facilities:Room Facilities:
Breakfast room
Laundry facilities
Room service
Air conditioning
Cable / Satellite TV
In-room safe
Mini bar
Private bathroom / Ensuite

Extra Information:

  • 3 km to the airport

  • 3 km to the city centre

Rua Paissandu 23 Flamengo
22210-080 Rio De Janeiro

International hotels. — Academic. 2010.

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