MACHU PICCHU, PERU — The Inca ceremonial center of Machu Picchu, located in the Urubamba Valley 44 miles northwest of the Inca capital of Cuzco, Peru, is a stunning example of large scale mountain top stone construction. Machu Picchu, meaning old peak in the… … Historical Dictionary of Architecture
Machu Picchu — mit Bergspitze des Huayna Picchu Machu Picchu [ˌmɑtʃu ˈpiktʃu] (Quechua Machu Pikchu, deutsch alter Gipfel) ist eine gut erhaltene Ruinenstadt in Peru. Die Inkas erbauten die Stadt im 15. Jahrhundert in 23 … Deutsch Wikipedia
Machu Picchu — Santuario histórico de Machu Picchu … Wikipedia Español
Machu Picchu — Historic Sanctuary of Machu Picchu * UNESCO World Heritage Site The mountain Huayna … Wikipedia
Machu Picchu — (quechua:Machu piqchu; “montaña vieja”) es una ciudadela construida durante la época del Imperio Inca, en el Perú. Es una de las joyas arquitectónicas y arqueológicas más importantes de los incas. * * * ► Antigua c. inca, cerca de Cuzco, en los… … Enciclopedia Universal
Machu Picchu — (izg. mȁču pȉkču) m DEFINICIJA arheol. arheološki lokalitet istoimenoga grada, ruševine iz doba civilizacije Inka (Peru) … Hrvatski jezični portal
Machu Picchu — [mä′cho͞o pēk′cho͞o] site of ruins of an ancient Incan city in SC Peru … English World dictionary
Machu Picchu — /mah chooh peek chooh, pee chooh/ the site of an ancient Incan and pre Incan city, about 7000 ft. (2130 m) above sea level in the Andes, in S central Peru. * * * Ancient fortress city of the Incas in the Andes Mountains, south central Peru.… … Universalium
Machu Picchu — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Machu Picchu (homonymie). Sanctuaire historique de Machu Picchu … Wikipédia en Français
Machu Picchu Base — The Machu Picchu Scientific Base is a scientific Peruvian research facility established in Antarctica, sponsored by the Peruvian government. The aim of this facility is to conduct Antarctic research on geology, climatology and biology. More… … Wikipedia