Schlosshotel Im Grunewald Berlin (Berlin)

Schlosshotel Im Grunewald Berlin (Berlin)
Schlosshotel Im Grunewald Berlin

country: Germany, city: Berlin (Charlottenburg Wilmersdorf)

Schlosshotel Im Grunewald Berlin Schlosshotel Im Grunewald Berlin

The hotel is located in its own park grounds in beautiful Grunewald, one of Berlin's most exclusive residential areas.

The small rooms are individually furnished and decorated with luxurious materials. They are in excellent condition. The bathrooms feature marble and cherry wood and are also in excellent condition.

The exclusive gourmet restaurant is also furnished and decorated in a traditional style. The Wintergarden offers a view of the beautiful hotel gardens. The 'Bar Tire Bouchon' is decorated in the typical style of an English gentlemen's club featuring an antique open fire.

The great hall is restored in Italian style throughout two floors. The art gallery and the splendid library with its hand painted ceiling echo the grandeur of the past. The magnificent ornaments, busts and statues are mostly copies from the Kaiser Friedrich Museum.

Hotel Facilities:Room Facilities:
Baby sitting service
Beauty salon
Conference facilities
Gift shop
Indoor swimming pool
Laundry facilities
Parking facilities (at cost)
Room service
Swimming pool
Air conditioning
Cable / Satellite TV
Iron and ironing board
Mini bar
Pay-per-view movies

Extra Information:
7 km to City Centre
8 km to the Airport (Berlin-Tegel)
10 km to the Airport (Berlin-Tempelhof)
15 minute walk to the nearest Metro Station (Grunewald)
1 km to the nearest Station (Grunewald)
5 minute walk to the nearest Bus Stop
3 km to the ne

Brahmstrasse 6-10
14193 Berlin

International hotels. — Academic. 2010.

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