Kronprinz Hotel Hamburg (Hamburg)
- Kronprinz Hotel Hamburg (Hamburg)
Kronprinz Hotel Hamburg
country: Germany, city: Hamburg (City)
Kronprinz Hotel Hamburg 
The hotel is located right in the centre of Hamburg just a short walk form the main-station in a busy side street of Hamburg.
The rooms are decorated simple but welcoming and clean with light brown furniture and blue carpets and curtains.The bathrooms are small but cosy clean and tidy.
The restaurant " Schiffer Boerse" is an unique experience. It is decorated like a harbour restaurant of the last century. Its atmosphere is very cosy and it is quiet an attraction.It offers and excellent fish cuisine and international specialties.
This is a fantastic hotel due to its superb location right in the centre.
Hotel Facilities: | Room Facilities: |
Lift Parking facilities (at cost) Reception Restaurant | Cable / Satellite TV Private bathroom / Ensuite Radio Telephone Television |
Extra Information:
10 kms to the Airport (Hamburg)
65 kms to the Airport (Lubeck)
2 minutes walk to the nearest Metro Station (Hamburg Central Station)
close to the Station (Hamburg Central Station)
2 minutes walk to the nearest Bus Stop
close to the Trade Fair Gr
Kirchenallee 46
20099 Hamburg
International hotels. — Academic.
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