Stern Hotel Hamburg (Hamburg)
- Stern Hotel Hamburg (Hamburg)
Stern Hotel Hamburg
country: Germany, city: Hamburg (City)
Stern Hotel Hamburg 
The hotel is located on the Reeperbahn, the famous red light district of Hamburg.
These are in fair condition. Due to the standard of the hotel, there are not many amenities in the rooms. Bathrooms are in good condition.
The hotel has a breakfast restaurant on the first floor. It is very big and with its small windows and decoration it'll look as if you are in a ship. Dinner is served in a restaurant adjacent to the hotel.
A good alternative for people wanting to enjoy the nightlife in the middle of the red light district.
Hotel Facilities: | Room Facilities: |
Breakfast room Lift Parking facilities Parking facilities (at cost) Reception | Cable / Satellite TV Private bathroom / Ensuite Radio Telephone Television |
Extra Information:
2 kms to City Centre
12 kms to the nearest Airport (Hamburg)
3 minutes walk to the nearest Metro Station (Reeperbahn)
1 km to the nearest Station (Reeperbahn)
4 minutes walk to the nearest Bus Stop
5 kms to the nearest Fair Site (CCH)
Reeperbahn 154
D-20359 Hamburg
International hotels. — Academic.
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